Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Advantages of Using Online Typing Tutoring Services

The Advantages of Using Online Typing Tutoring ServicesOnline typing tutoring is the best thing that has happened to typing. It has turned out to be the most convenient and effective way of learning how to type.Typing has been in vogue since early centuries. It has continued to evolve throughout the years. Today, it has become one of the most preferred means of communication among many people around the world.Nowadays, there are many companies that offer online typing and proofreading services. But finding a good service is not as easy as it used to be. You would have to sift through several options before you find the best typing service for your business or personal needs. There are different approaches and pricing models adopted by these various services.When looking for this kind of service, it is always better to look for testimonials from previous clients. Through these testimonials, you can know whether the tutor you are opting for is a good one or not. Also, through this info rmation, you can get a clear idea of the quality of service you can expect from such a person.Typing Tutors are available in various forms. They range from those who provide self-paced lessons to those who have a full time schedule for you to attend to. If you are a busy professional or a student, then choosing a time-bound lesson service will be the best for you. They can guide you step by step on how to learn how to type.Online typing tutoring services offer video tutorials and audio-visual classes. Some of these tutors even offer the opportunity to see you typing a simple form of text before taking you into a more intensive lesson. With this facility, you get a real sense of the style of writing used by these tutors.The basic idea behind online typing tutoring is to help you with practicing and fine tuning your skills. The best thing about this method is that you can practice typing without any distractions. This way, you can fine tune your skills by practising on a variety of do cuments, articles and books. This will enable you to reach your goals and eventually learn how to type.Typing Tutors should be able to listen to your needs and suggest a suitable course of action for you. They should be well versed in all aspects of typing. Therefore, find a tutor who can meet your typing needs and expectations.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Want to Someday Star On Broadway 3 Tips from an Expert

Want to Someday Star On Broadway 3 Tips from an Expert Sign up successful But that’s every performers job to make it look easy. Because of this, its the strong, the tenacious, the hard-working, and the incredibly lucky ones who make it to the Broadway stage. I began my dance training at the age of two and a half. Sure, back then, my parents werent thinking about molding me to be a professional Broadway dancer, but this is just an example of how far back training goes for many professional dancers. Then, as my interest and passion continued, I began ballet training at six, singing lessons at eight, and began working in professional theater productions at age 13. I continued training all throughout high school and moved to New York City at the age of 18. I was fortunate to be just 20 years old when I was cast as the leading lady of my first national tour; but even then, I still had five more years before I got the chance to fulfill my dream of actually starring on Broadway. But, within those five years, I was working every day on my singing, dancing, and acting skills to carry a show as a leading lady. If youre like me, you see Broadway performers as the best of the best! And to be ready for that competition to be prepared to actually star on Broadway is something that performers train for YEARS to achieve. And, even after all that training, its very rare that you get the incredible chance to actually star on Broadway. You never know when that “luck” will roll around. So, what I teach my students is to concentrate on what they can control and to always be prepared for when that luck comes! If youre interested in learning how to become a Broadway star, heres what I did to prepare to star on the stage: 1. Put in hours of work, outside of auditioning for shows. Artists take voice lessons weekly, sometime more than once a week, depending on the role theyre playing. They’re also taking yoga, meditation, dance, and exercise classes to keep their bodies healthy. This is a daily occurrence. Performers should be working and training daily before they even get to the theater to do their shows. Also, networking is important, because the more youre mingling with artists in your field, the more people get to know and like you. Booking a show isnt always just about skill a lot of times it can come down to skill and a choreographer or director knowing and liking you. 2. Remember that what a star eats makes a huge difference! Broadway stars must watch what they eat to be aware of what foods work for them and energize them. Your voice and body can change depending on fatigue, hot or cold weather, and the theater environment, and you have to know how to adapt to that. If youre doing a tremendously physical show, you have to know that you cant truly be full at the beginning of it.  When I was starring in 42nd Street, I had a rule that I couldnt be full past 6:30 for an 8pm curtain.  I would eat sushi a lot of times between shows because I knew it was good for my energy and digestion. And I always had a banana or an apple in my dressing room to eat before the last 20 minutes of the show, which was the hardest for my role. I learned to never eat nuts or granola, because the pieces got stuck in my teeth, and I almost choked on stage when I started singing. A lot of Broadway performers eat dinner after the show, and knowing what food is best for your body and what doesnt create acid reflux is also important, because that affects your vocal cords. Every body is different, and like an athlete, you have to know your body and what fuel works for you to be your best eight shows a week. 3. Have a spiritual or mental practice that helps you balance your body, mind, and soul. The demands of a Broadway performer are very intense. Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. The emotional ups and downs are a part of your life, even if youre extremely successful. Rejection is a part of every performers life. For every job you get, there are 50 you didnt get. So, finding a way to achieve balance is crucial. Ive turned to meditation, yoga, and rules for myself that have helped me lead a full and balanced life outside of the entertainment industry. For example, I used to tell family and close friends when I got an big audition because I was so excited at the fact that I got a chance! Then, if I got a callback, the pressure was on, and everyone I told would ask, Did you get it? Very soon, I realized that if I didnt get the part, not only would I have to feel the disappointment, I also would have to explain what happened to friends and family over and over again, re-living the rejection. So, one of my rules now is that I dont tell anyone until I am signing the contract for the role. This rule might not work for every artist, and I believe balance is about bio-individuality. As a holistic health counselor, I help performers find body, mind, and spiritual practices that promote balance and work for them. Even after ascending to the top of a Broadway marquee, the work continues. Anybody passionate to learn how to become a Broadway star should constantly be taking voice lessons, acting classes, and dance classes. Take a theater dance class, a ballet class, and a tap class. Even when you’re a star, you should still be taking lessons. The best, most successful stars never stop training. Ever. Meredith P. teaches acting, singing, and dance in Los Angeles, CA. She has performed on Broadway, acted in television shows, and even recorded her own jazz albums! She studied at the AMDA College Conservatory For The Arts and the Institute For Integrative Nutrition in NYC.  Learn more about Meredith here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Eva Rinaldi

Friday, March 6, 2020

Essential Accessories for Any Pianist

Essential Accessories for Any Pianist What Extras Does a Good Pianist Need? Chapters A Range of Indispensable Extras Specific Piano Resources How Can These Accessories Help Me Practice the Piano? What’s the Best Way to Choose? Any Advice?Playing the piano is often a hobby. Like most hobbies, that means you have to get the right resources, accessories, equipment, and extras. There are things you can buy to help you get the most out of your piano lessons and make more progress.Whether you buy an electronic or digital piano, or an acoustic piano (an upright piano or grand piano), there are a few other things you’ll need! Not all of them are essential for every piano player but there are a few that you will definitely have to invest in.You should always keep in mind how useful each accessory is and how they can help when it comes to learning to play the piano.  There are plenty of different resources you and your piano teacher can use to help you improve. In this article, we’re going to have a look at everything that could be useful for playing and getting better.Follow these tips for choosing your ideal piano!Piano extras are there to help the musician when they're practicing in order to get the most out of every session and improve their piano playing.Some are essential and some are useful. Some of these accessories and extras will play a vital role in the learning process.Sure, you can learn how to play the piano with just the bare minimum by sitting down at the keyboard and playing. In fact, that might be all you need if you’re learning with the help of a private tutor. However, don't forget that you could consider your tutor as an “extra” though they mightn't be the only thing you need to help you learn.You may also need online piano lessons; a learning facet Superprof excels at!Don't forget that a tutor might be the most important tool for learning piano. (Source: DV247 Magazine)Piano learning books are also incredibly useful, especially those on: “How to Learn to Play the Piano”. In this day and age we can even consi der using more modern resources like on-line tutorials. Or even our modern devices.Even though nowadays we're often stuck to our screens, books still remain one of the most useful and effective resources when you learn to play piano. It doesn't matter how old you are either since adults and children alike can benefit from them.Piano playing is just like any other hobby: the more you enjoy it, the more resources and extras you’ll consider buying.Actually, these extras are sometimes a good indicator of how passionate someone is about their musical instrument and playing it. Especially when you consider the economic implications of buying these things.However, don't think that you're not enthusiastic because you don't have all the gear. You can’t measure passion purely in terms of money spent on equipment and some people seem to have way more money than they do sense. Playing always needs to come first.Finally, don’t forget that most equipment is superfluous, it's the instrument itself that really counts!Join the discussion: is a piano very expensive? Specific Piano ResourcesTo learn how to play piano, you'll need equipment specific to the piano.Let's take a quick look at some of this equipment and how it can help you become a better piano player.A metronomeThis is any budding pianist's best friend. As soon as you start learning your scales, you should also consider getting a metronome.A metronome can help you keep time. (Source: Exploring Musical Instruments)A metronome helps a musician to keep time. You’ll probably recognize the famous “tick tock” of a metronome. In fact, nowadays you don’t even technically need to buy a physical metronome.  You can get metronome apps for your smartphones and tablets instead of the physical “vintage” metronome you may be familiar with.Discover also how the piano is a complete instrument onto itself!The StoolWhile this might seem obvious, you can never underestimate the importance of your stool.When you play pi ano, your positioning is paramount. Especially the position of your back. In order to have a good posture, you need a good stool and sometimes you have to make do on a shoestring in order to get one.Once you’ve found and bought your piano, you could just buy just a normal chair. However, if you’re looking for comfort and improving your technique, you have to consider a real piano stool.There are plenty of different types of piano stools available. (Source: The Piano Shop Bath)Here’s some advice: when you buy your first piano, you can probably get a discount on a piano stool and some free piano extras at the same time. There are sometimes deals on stools when you buy the piano. Make the most of them.Are you sitting comfortably at Middle C? Then you can get to work on your dexterity.Discover our complete guide for buying your first piano...Protective CoversA piano is a precious and fragile thing. Protecting it is very important. Whether you’ve got an electronic, upright, or gr and piano, I’d highly recommend investing in a protective cover for it.Again, you should look for offers on these when buying your piano. Just like you would when buying a laptop and a laptop case.Remember that the cover can keep your piano free of dust. The last thing you’d want is just jamming up the keys. Or negatively affecting how it sounds!LampsOf all the accessories we’ve looked at thus far, the lamp is least important. However, it can still be incredibly useful tool while you learn how to play piano. A well-placed lamp illuminating the sheet music and the piano keys can really help a pianist concentrate when they're playing piano.A lamp can make the difference between looking at the sheet music and focusing on its content.This also means you needn’t use as much electricity as you would lighting the whole room and who doesn’t like saving money?  Don’t spend money just for the sake of it!Join the discussion: how big is a piano, really?Some might say that all you ne ed is a piano and nothing else.However, some equipment is indispensable. The main reason for having these things is to save you time.There are a few ways you can save time:Save time when practicing: If you’re sitting comfortably then you’ll have more energy to practice. In the same way, a metronome saves you time when working on your basic rhythm. ?All of these things will help you work more effectively when learning to play the piano. If you’re comfortable when you play, you’ll work better and learn more.Save time when learning: This is related to my first point. If you give yourself the best conditions to progress, you’ll progress. You’ll advance quickly! With the right tools and accessories, an aspiring pianist will progress more quickly than they would without them. It just makes sense. They can make the most of their accessories. What’s the Best Way to Choose?When deciding on the equipment you're going to buy, you need to think about your needs and abilities. A pi anist who already has a good rhythm shouldn’t waste their time and money buying metronomes.A pianist needs a lot of tools. Not this many, though... (Source: Wikimedia Commons)On the other hand, an absolute beginner shouldn’t buy a metronome before they’ve bought a stool. Think about your own priorities.You should consider your goals, how you’re learning, what equipment you already have, and then decide what you’ll need.Of course, your wallet will always have the final say on which accessories you get and which you don’t. Like any other pursuit, piano accessories come in different price ranges. You need to know what level of product you’ll need.I’d recommend that you listen to what your piano tutor has to say on the matter. Listening to your tutor is always the best way to learn, even when it comes to their advice on which accessories you should buy.Now read this guide to buying your first piano... Any Advice?I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: look for deals ! If you’re in a piano store, make sure you’ll looking for bundles and deals. If you prefer buying on-line then you should check regularly for monthly or seasonal offers. However, you can’t barter! That’s why I always recommend going to a genuine music store and looking at what you’ve found on-line.You should also consider the pros and cons. Let me explain: It’s pointless just buying accessories for the sake of it. If you’re going to get any of these extras, you need to consider why you’re getting them and how they're going to help you learn more quickly and get better at playing the piano.  Don’t get the gear just to show off! You don’t need to. The piano itself should be beautiful enough!Finally, don’t forget that these things won’t play the piano for you. They’re there just to make your life easier and help you to learn more quickly. They make playing the piano more pleasant.You’ll learn much more quickly if you enjoy playing the piano. If you don’t enjoy it, you’ll struggle to get better.  Playing the piano should always be fun. Whether you have a mountain of gear or not.Take piano lessons London with Superprof.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Ask a Medical School Admissions Expert Dr. Michelle Finkel

Ask a Medical School Admissions Expert Dr. Michelle Finkel Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Dr. Michelle Finkel is a graduate of Stanford Universityand Harvard Medical School. Upon completing her residency at Harvard, she moved up as a faculty member and eventaully became the Assistant Residency Director for Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency where she interviewed many applicants and reviewed countless applications, personal statements, and resums. Dr. Finkel is currently a board-certified Emergency Physician and the founder of Insider Medical Admissions. VT: What is the single most important thing applicants should focus on in a medical school application? Michelle: Your overall goal throughout the application process is to distinguish yourself from other candidates, and the best way to do that is by showcasing your achievements. The admissions process is a persuasive one: Your role is to convince medical schools that you deserve a slot at their institutions. The best way to persuade is with facts, just like a lawyer does when s/he is trying a case in front of a judge. Saying you are compassionate or hardworking is not convincing. You need to prove your value by relating your academic, clinical, research, community service, leadership, international, or teaching achievements in a way that builds your case. VT: What are the biggest mistakes one can make on a med school application? Michelle: A few of the mistakes Ive see are as follows: 1) Excessive modesty. It's okay to be a shy person but not a shy applicant. 2) Applying unrealistically. Ensure you apply to enough schools and make sure your list includes true safety schools. To get a sense for your competitiveness, compare your GPA and MCAT scores with those in the Medical School Admissions Requirements book published by the AAMC and speak to an experienced advisor. 3. Having no clinical experience. Institutions not only want to see that you are committed to patient care, they need to ensure you have some small idea of what you are getting yourself into. 4. Sacrificing your GPA for extracurricular activities. Achieving academically is critical, even if you have a compelling candidacy in other ways. Applying to medical schools is like trying to get on a ride at Disneyland; if your grades are not as tall as their sign, they won't even let you get in line for consideration. Applicants have told me they feel thei r bad grades have followed them like a criminal record. Dont let this happen to you. VT: How much time should be set aside to adequately prepare for and complete a med school application? Michelle: Good writing takes a long time; successfully finding a qualified reader to critique a rough draft and then incorporating critical feedback takes even longer. Start to craft your personal statement, AMCAS activities, and most important statements in January with a goal of getting them submitted as early as possible, which is usually early June. VT: What do med school admissions officers look for most in an applicants essays/personal statements? Michelle: They are seeking example of achievement written in a compelling manner. In other words, a riveting essay that has no content no evidence of a candidates achievements isnt adequate. Nor is a statement that has a lot of content but is boring to read. VT: Is there anything on a students application that would automatically disqualify him/her from being considered for the program? Michelle: These factors depend on the institution. Different schools weigh academics, MCAT scores, and extracurricular activities differently. Of note: AMCAS does include a criminal background check; illegal activity can be a deal breaker for many schools if not adequately explained. VT: What undergrad majors best prepare one for med school applications? Michelle: The key here is to excel academically in whatever major you choose. Im not the kind of advisor who will tell you to pursue something you dont like to get admissions officers attention. That tactic is not only annoying, it usually doesnt work. VT: Is there anything you might see on a students application that would quickly put them ahead in the running? Michelle: A breadth of achievements academic, clinical, research, community service, leadership, international, and teaching are notable. Also, pursuing a passion successfully can get you noticed. When I was applying to medical school, I highlighted my work in domestic violence and sexual assault prevention. I showcased the leadership I had had in spearheading, coordinating and implementing a campus-wide awareness week. Pick something that calls to you, and really take it up a notch from what others have done in the past. VT: What advice do you have regarding MCAT test prep? Michelle: Start early and note how you best learn. Pursue a program that complements your learning technique. You might do best with a private tutor, formal program, or by studying with friends. VT: What do med school admissions officers look for in recommendation letters? Michelle: When I was in academic medicine, a colleague once pointed out the word shy in a letter of recommendation because he took that term as very pejorative! The point is that officers are looking for small hints in every letter, and you want yours to be as good as possible. You should not settle for so-so letters; you need to get the most superlative letters you can. In other words, consider a mediocre letter a bad one. For more admissions help, contact Dr. Finkel at or Like her page on Facebook.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Pardon Me, Your Personal Brand Is Still Showing - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Pardon Me, Your Personal Brand Is Still Showing - Introvert Whisperer Pardon Me, Your Personal Brand Is Still Showing Except maybe your brand, what you offer to others, isn’t clear at all. Maybe you’ve felt like your tongue got stuck in your throat at networking meetings when people asked, “So, what is it that you do?” You never have to be caught in the headlights again. Even better, you can create the kind of image that helps you lock down jobs, makes promotions a snap, and gains the respect of your peers. You’ll do that by taking a short and easy journey, guided gently by the hands of a pro who’s worked with hundreds of people just like you. Inside this workbook, you’ll both learn and write the template for your own personal brand at the same time â€" crafting a brand that’s in alignment with your goals. Discover: How to figure out what your personal brand truly is Why your personal brand is vital to your career path How to communicate and demonstrate your brand at work, on social media and other critical places you want to reinforce that branding How to do damage control when you blunder (which will happen at some point) How to reinvent and change your brand when your goals change Don’t get stuck in dead-end jobs or be overlooked anymore.  When you complete this workbook your own brand will pop out like the “S” on Superman’s chest. You’ll be comfortable telling others what you’re all about.  Best of all, your branding will be aligned with your dreams. If you liked “What Color Is My Parachute” or “No More Monday’s: Fire Yourself-and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, you’ll want to add this book to your list. “Easy to read and a snap to go through and institute.  I can see where anyone would benefit, whether they’re just starting their career or reinventing themselves.  This is a classic I’ll refer to if I ever decide to switch careers again.”- Amazon Reviewer Get your copy of Personal Branding Today! Or the Audiobook Version! Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Where to Study Law

Where to Study Law Where in the World Can You Study Law? ChaptersThe Best Law Schools UKThe Best Law Schools in EuropeThe Best Law Schools in AsiaBest Law Courses in AustraliaThe Best US Law SchoolsLaw studies are timeless: indeed, the earliest international universities, called stadia generale, made law studies a cornerstone of their charter.Not just the law; those institutes could teach medicine and/or theology, and had to include art studies in their curriculum in order to qualify as a stadium generale. Other criteria were that only masters of the discipline in question could teach those courses and schools should welcome international students.From that perspective, the best schools have not varied substantially from medieval times.Today, all over the world, the top schools for learning law all have stellar instructors â€" often alumni who have returned to their alma mater to train the next generation of lawyers. Those schools welcome students from every country and teach a variety of subjects.What if you wish to pursue a dual degree? Many of the schools featured in this article offer an interdisciplinary course of study; anything from Law and Languages to Law and Economics.We now search the globe for the best legal education to be had. How do we come by our specialised knowledge?We know you could refer to QS World University Rankings and other such reports to educate yourself on the best law schools for your purpose. Or you could follow the advice of friends and family or an academic advisor, should you have one to consult.Reputation and word of mouth are powerful advertising media. For instance: everyone in the world has at least heard of Oxford... right?But not everyone knows that the National University of Singapore also has an excellent law programme and its inception predates some of the world’s better-known teaching facilities!That is the true purpose of this exposé: to shine a light on educational opportunities worth considering.Gone are the days where law students must aspire to their own country’s (often more expensive!) law schools; the world is your oyster and you get to pick the pearl: the Faculty of Law that suits you best, no matter where in the world it is!Superprof now presents them, continent by continent, figuratively heaped on a silver platter, for your review and selection.national university league tables.Naturally, you may strive toward your Juris Doctor or LLB as you would at any school of law, but what makes this facility outstanding is its student-driven moot programme.They run both an internal moot court and also make a debate competition of the exercise, inviting every university with an LLB programme in their curriculum to participate.And, speaking of curriculum...In spite of Glasgow’s long tradition â€" or perhaps because of it, you may choose to specialise in areas of law that were unheard of at the time of the school’s founding, in 1451: Environmental Law, for instance, or Corporate Law.The University of Glasgow ranks #2 on our national university le ague tables and #69 on the QS ranking.From this fine institution, we take you to one that is perhaps more obscure â€" and what a pity that is!Durham University was founded in 1832; one of the first universities to open in the UK since Cambridge became officially recognised, some 600 years earlier.What makes Durham so remarkable is its embrace of every international student, from anywhere in the world: from the annual International Welcome party to the week-long initiation event, law students from other lands are made to feel most welcome.How does that help the native law student?Let’s say you intended to go abroad to study: wouldn’t it be helpful to immerse yourself into a campus of varied cultures?Besides, your undergraduate degree could cost substantially less earned at Durham than at, say, the London School of Economics!Durham University ranks 7th on the national league tables and 74th on the QS world list.The Best Law Schools in EuropeHere, we arrive at an amusing yet reveal ing statistic.Setting a filter on the QS ranking site for European laws schools, eight of the top ten listed schools are in the UK!Fortunately, we have several other websites to consult, such as the Master of Laws ranking, which puts Leiden University â€" the oldest in the Netherlands, at the top of their list.There, you may earn your LLB degree in:European LawPublic LawInternational LawConstitutional LawCriminal JusticeBusiness LawTax LawInternational Human Rights Lawand many others...Find city law tutors now.If your aim was to further your legal studies in an international setting, you could hardly do better: Leiden’s student body comprises mostly of international students!On the other hand, if Intellectual Property Law or Criminal Law is your chosen field, you may fare better at Humboldt University in Berlin, otherwise known as the Mother of the Modern University.What do you know of the Humboldtian Model?Humboldt comes in at #6 on the European rankings list and #121 on the QS l ist.See how crucial it is for the prospective student to shop around a bit; get a fuller picture of the opportunities available to earn a degree in law?Many postgraduate law school students worry about the language barrier: if they study overseas, won’t they have to speak that country’s native language?Not necessarily, we’re proud to report. Humboldt’s programmes are taught in English, as are these next featured degree programs.Eight of Europe's top ten law schools are in England! Source: Pixabay Credir: Andras BartaIn either case, the courses are held in English and, especially if you go to Bangalore for your classes, you will be a part of a small but exclusive club of attendees at India’s premier law university.On the other hand, if China has always called to you, you might investigate Xiamen University (#14 on LLM Review; #476 on QS)Their law courses require a three-year commitment and cover Taxation, Civil and Commercial law.The entire course is conducted in English... but why not study Mandarin while you’re there?Read about the best law schools in Asia.Should you select Australia for your law studies, you may review cases at the stunning at La Trobe library Source: Pixabay Credit: AndrewBest Law Courses in AustraliaWhether you’re after your JD degree or going all the way to PhD, the consensus is that the Australian National University is the place to do it â€" but it doesn’t hurt to take a look at the University of New South Wales, while we’re at it.In fact, these two geographical neighbours are locked in friendly competition, tossing the best ranking back and forth at each other.One main difference between the two is that NSW requires anyone applying to sit an entrance exam designed to measure your potential as a law scholar.Once admitted to their law faculty, you may choose their combined law curriculum, in which you would simultaneously work toward your Bachelor of Laws and a bachelor in whichever discipline that interests you.Or that might put you further on your career path...Finally, of all the great schools to earn your law degree in Australia, consider the University of New England: every year, it awards millions of dollars in scholarships, and more than that in bursaries to research!The Best US Law SchoolsHarvard, Yale, Stanford and Princeton: are there any better names to bandy about when it comes to law degrees?Of course, there are Oxford and Cambridge!Still, these four American universities lead the legal training pack; sometimes unfairly so.Compare the cost of one year at Harvard - $63,800 just for tuition; not including books or living expenses, with one year’s tuition at the University of Chicago: $48,000 â€" again, no other fees or expenses included.For that reason, we acknowledge the Ivy League campuses as those with the superior study programmes but turn our focus on one that does not require you to mortgage your entire future.Look up for law tutors London now.The University of Michigan Law Scho ol is one of the best-regarded in the United States and consistently ranks within the top 20 schools in the country. (It currently stands at #20 on the QS ranking).What makes this programme outstanding is the diversity of their law clinic and how much pro bono work they do, and the publication of their law journal.And, best of all, your overall cost for a 4-year degree is about half the cost of an undergraduate degree at Harvard!Lots of factors drive educational choices; unfortunately, one of them is the desire fora degree from a renown institute of higher learning.But, if we could overlook that criterion in favour of what is all around the best for our own situation...You may just find that your best law course can be found in a place you might never have thought to apply to.Remember: the world is your oyster; so grab the pearl you really want!

No motivation to change - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / No motivation to change - Introvert Whisperer No motivation to change? When it comes to our health and fitness or for that matter anything, making a change can be a challenge.   I’m here to give you a pearl of wisdom about getting up off the couch to get you moving.   The pearl of wisdom is this: You need one part commitment, one part plan and one part a system.   The three parts are equal to MOTIVATION.   We all want it.   Now you can have it whenever you want.   Here is how the three parts work: Commitment â€" First you need to check in with yourself and really work on what you are committed to.   I hear people talk at a high level about “taking care of their health” for the sake of their family.   Let me put it to you this way for a real eye opener:   if you knew that in 20 years you would be losing body parts, replacing body parts or suffering from disease, would you change your lifestyle to avoid it?   A bit more jolting isn’t it?   Sorry to be so blunt, but most people don’t just keel over and die, they die from a thousand small cuts (to coin a phrase).   You will pay the price sooner or later.   So, what are you really committed to? Do you want to remain vibrant and participate in life?   Do you want to look your best?   Do you want to avoid being a burden on others due to your health? Have a plan â€" You can’t just talk about doing something without taking it down to a plan of action and goals.   You want to be specific and have time boundaries.   If you want to weight X, when do you want to do that by?   If you want to be stronger and have more endurance for activities, then what are those activities and how will you know you have “arrived”?   If you currently have some health issues, check in with your doctor and identify some goals and actions to achieve them.   Also, when you have achieved those goals and plans, time for a new plan.     There is an adage: Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Have a system â€" As a society, we are all cowboys.   We think we have to do everything on our own or we’re wimps.   I can tell you right now that only 20% of those Cowboys are capable of making any kind of change without help or support.   When I talk about a system, I’m talking about a system of support and accountability.   Most of us NEED to have a support system to help us with executing our plan.   You can hire a trainer or coach.   You can engage a series of friends or relatives or even those from the social networking sites.   You need people to brainstorm solutions to issues that arise.   You need people to hold you accountable to yourself and your action plan.   You need someone to celebrate your successes.   Your system needs to be defined in your plan to ensure the plan is given life.   Don’t be bashful about asking for help, we all love to think we can help each other. Motivation is not a magical thing that happens to just the lucky few.   You can develop the motivation to do anything you chose.   Go ahead, try it and see how the world of opportunities opens up for you! Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.