Friday, March 6, 2020

Essential Accessories for Any Pianist

Essential Accessories for Any Pianist What Extras Does a Good Pianist Need? Chapters A Range of Indispensable Extras Specific Piano Resources How Can These Accessories Help Me Practice the Piano? What’s the Best Way to Choose? Any Advice?Playing the piano is often a hobby. Like most hobbies, that means you have to get the right resources, accessories, equipment, and extras. There are things you can buy to help you get the most out of your piano lessons and make more progress.Whether you buy an electronic or digital piano, or an acoustic piano (an upright piano or grand piano), there are a few other things you’ll need! Not all of them are essential for every piano player but there are a few that you will definitely have to invest in.You should always keep in mind how useful each accessory is and how they can help when it comes to learning to play the piano.  There are plenty of different resources you and your piano teacher can use to help you improve. In this article, we’re going to have a look at everything that could be useful for playing and getting better.Follow these tips for choosing your ideal piano!Piano extras are there to help the musician when they're practicing in order to get the most out of every session and improve their piano playing.Some are essential and some are useful. Some of these accessories and extras will play a vital role in the learning process.Sure, you can learn how to play the piano with just the bare minimum by sitting down at the keyboard and playing. In fact, that might be all you need if you’re learning with the help of a private tutor. However, don't forget that you could consider your tutor as an “extra” though they mightn't be the only thing you need to help you learn.You may also need online piano lessons; a learning facet Superprof excels at!Don't forget that a tutor might be the most important tool for learning piano. (Source: DV247 Magazine)Piano learning books are also incredibly useful, especially those on: “How to Learn to Play the Piano”. In this day and age we can even consi der using more modern resources like on-line tutorials. Or even our modern devices.Even though nowadays we're often stuck to our screens, books still remain one of the most useful and effective resources when you learn to play piano. It doesn't matter how old you are either since adults and children alike can benefit from them.Piano playing is just like any other hobby: the more you enjoy it, the more resources and extras you’ll consider buying.Actually, these extras are sometimes a good indicator of how passionate someone is about their musical instrument and playing it. Especially when you consider the economic implications of buying these things.However, don't think that you're not enthusiastic because you don't have all the gear. You can’t measure passion purely in terms of money spent on equipment and some people seem to have way more money than they do sense. Playing always needs to come first.Finally, don’t forget that most equipment is superfluous, it's the instrument itself that really counts!Join the discussion: is a piano very expensive? Specific Piano ResourcesTo learn how to play piano, you'll need equipment specific to the piano.Let's take a quick look at some of this equipment and how it can help you become a better piano player.A metronomeThis is any budding pianist's best friend. As soon as you start learning your scales, you should also consider getting a metronome.A metronome can help you keep time. (Source: Exploring Musical Instruments)A metronome helps a musician to keep time. You’ll probably recognize the famous “tick tock” of a metronome. In fact, nowadays you don’t even technically need to buy a physical metronome.  You can get metronome apps for your smartphones and tablets instead of the physical “vintage” metronome you may be familiar with.Discover also how the piano is a complete instrument onto itself!The StoolWhile this might seem obvious, you can never underestimate the importance of your stool.When you play pi ano, your positioning is paramount. Especially the position of your back. In order to have a good posture, you need a good stool and sometimes you have to make do on a shoestring in order to get one.Once you’ve found and bought your piano, you could just buy just a normal chair. However, if you’re looking for comfort and improving your technique, you have to consider a real piano stool.There are plenty of different types of piano stools available. (Source: The Piano Shop Bath)Here’s some advice: when you buy your first piano, you can probably get a discount on a piano stool and some free piano extras at the same time. There are sometimes deals on stools when you buy the piano. Make the most of them.Are you sitting comfortably at Middle C? Then you can get to work on your dexterity.Discover our complete guide for buying your first piano...Protective CoversA piano is a precious and fragile thing. Protecting it is very important. Whether you’ve got an electronic, upright, or gr and piano, I’d highly recommend investing in a protective cover for it.Again, you should look for offers on these when buying your piano. Just like you would when buying a laptop and a laptop case.Remember that the cover can keep your piano free of dust. The last thing you’d want is just jamming up the keys. Or negatively affecting how it sounds!LampsOf all the accessories we’ve looked at thus far, the lamp is least important. However, it can still be incredibly useful tool while you learn how to play piano. A well-placed lamp illuminating the sheet music and the piano keys can really help a pianist concentrate when they're playing piano.A lamp can make the difference between looking at the sheet music and focusing on its content.This also means you needn’t use as much electricity as you would lighting the whole room and who doesn’t like saving money?  Don’t spend money just for the sake of it!Join the discussion: how big is a piano, really?Some might say that all you ne ed is a piano and nothing else.However, some equipment is indispensable. The main reason for having these things is to save you time.There are a few ways you can save time:Save time when practicing: If you’re sitting comfortably then you’ll have more energy to practice. In the same way, a metronome saves you time when working on your basic rhythm. ?All of these things will help you work more effectively when learning to play the piano. If you’re comfortable when you play, you’ll work better and learn more.Save time when learning: This is related to my first point. If you give yourself the best conditions to progress, you’ll progress. You’ll advance quickly! With the right tools and accessories, an aspiring pianist will progress more quickly than they would without them. It just makes sense. They can make the most of their accessories. What’s the Best Way to Choose?When deciding on the equipment you're going to buy, you need to think about your needs and abilities. A pi anist who already has a good rhythm shouldn’t waste their time and money buying metronomes.A pianist needs a lot of tools. Not this many, though... (Source: Wikimedia Commons)On the other hand, an absolute beginner shouldn’t buy a metronome before they’ve bought a stool. Think about your own priorities.You should consider your goals, how you’re learning, what equipment you already have, and then decide what you’ll need.Of course, your wallet will always have the final say on which accessories you get and which you don’t. Like any other pursuit, piano accessories come in different price ranges. You need to know what level of product you’ll need.I’d recommend that you listen to what your piano tutor has to say on the matter. Listening to your tutor is always the best way to learn, even when it comes to their advice on which accessories you should buy.Now read this guide to buying your first piano... Any Advice?I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: look for deals ! If you’re in a piano store, make sure you’ll looking for bundles and deals. If you prefer buying on-line then you should check regularly for monthly or seasonal offers. However, you can’t barter! That’s why I always recommend going to a genuine music store and looking at what you’ve found on-line.You should also consider the pros and cons. Let me explain: It’s pointless just buying accessories for the sake of it. If you’re going to get any of these extras, you need to consider why you’re getting them and how they're going to help you learn more quickly and get better at playing the piano.  Don’t get the gear just to show off! You don’t need to. The piano itself should be beautiful enough!Finally, don’t forget that these things won’t play the piano for you. They’re there just to make your life easier and help you to learn more quickly. They make playing the piano more pleasant.You’ll learn much more quickly if you enjoy playing the piano. If you don’t enjoy it, you’ll struggle to get better.  Playing the piano should always be fun. Whether you have a mountain of gear or not.Take piano lessons London with Superprof.

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